Male Friendship and Emotional Intimacy

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Why do men generally act as if they don’t need one another?

Why do they continue to live isolated and defeated spiritual lives?

Because men are macho. Men are self-reliant. Men don’t touch. Men don’t feel. Men love things and believe it is acceptable to use people. Men are competitive and athletic; not vulnerable. Men don’t cry. We are not weak nor submissive.

Common barriers to relational and emotional intimacy between guys include the demands of traditional male roles in our culture and the lack of suitable role models.

Same-sex sexual attraction was not a factor in the following incident. But the motivation and unmet needs behind this experience (if we’re honest) is relatable to most men (not just those who have homosexual inclinations and/or Christian guys).


Suffering In Silence

Even though I was involved in “normal” college life at my Christian university, isolation and detachment characterized my true existence. Over time, however, I opened myself up enough to four people (two men, two women, two Christians, two non-Christians) who eventually became close friends and my family away from home. Early on in the relationships, I developed the habit of connecting with each of them at least once a day for a relational and encouragement boost. The Christian guy was the opposite of me in almost every way: extroverted, had a girlfriend, involved in lots of extracurricular activities, had several of friends, etc.

About a year into our friendship, there was an episode where he was pretty much bedridden for a week due to an illness. I was more than willing to do what a friend should such as running a few errands and visiting him everyday to make sure he was comfortable. I even managed to cook him a meal on a two-burner hot plate in my dorm room.

But one day I was so busy with classes and work, I only had the chance to speak with him for a couple of minutes via telephone early in the morning (this was in the 1990s before cell phones and mobile Internet access was widely available). At about 9:30 that night, I was at the college library working away on a research paper when my Christian brother (congested and very disheveled) showed up at my table out of nowhere. As I discovered later, he had been trying to track me down throughout the day.

Thankfully, he wasn’t in the midst of an emergency. But as his eyes filled with tears, his very first words were, “Darrell, I am so alone.” At once I knew he urgently needed my presence and understanding. Knowing that he was still weak physically and sensing his emotions was about to overcome him, I instantly took him into my arms where he was able to heave out a burst of deep sobs and wept.

Once he started sobbing, I couldn’t help myself. I began to cry with him. As he began to groan and tremble, I held him closer to me fearing he might collapse. He responded by squeezing me tighter; not wanting to let me go.

For about ten minutes I comforted and reassured him by wiping away his tears, gently stroking his hair and whispering to him repeatedly, “I love you. I won’t let you go. I will help you as long as you need me.” I didn’t care who saw us or heard us: my friend was hurting.

After holding onto me for a few more moments and feeling his body become more relaxed, I realized that our friendship had reached a turning point. Several of his other buddies and his girlfriend were on campus that day. But I was the one he sought out. I was the one male friend he trusted enough to share his honest vulnerabilities. It was one of the most humbling moments of my young life.

After gathering up my few belongings, I practically had to carry him back to the dorm. Yet as we walked along in silence, I prayed to God for my friend and thanked Him for our deepening (and renewed) relationship in Christ.

Throughout the rest of the night and into the next morning, he was able to share with me the stress, frustrations and troubles he had hiding from others for a very long time. Although I had out-of-town weekend plans, I immediately cancelled them to stay with him on campus as he reconnected and recovered, both physically and spiritually. It was an intense weekend of mutual catharsis and affirmation for both of us.

Reflect on a time when you may have felt like my friend. When was (is) emotional and/or social isolation most clearly seen and felt? Do you have male friends in your life now who know about the true condition of your life? The extent of your loneliness and disconnection? The times you fall down or sin?

In 1 Peter 5:8, the devil is compared to a hungry and roaring lion that is sneaking around; ready to rip us apart and gorge on our carcasses. Is the lion overpowering you now? Are you vulnerable to attack?


The Need We Share

May 2012. My best friend’s son will be starting high school this fall. Both of my parents will be retiring next year. Having recently turned 38, I finally filed the first version of my will. Over the past few months, these and other realizations have been fists into my gut. And at times, the detachment from “real life” and the loneliness has been difficult.

I will likely to continue to have episodes and some degree of sadness for a lifetime partner and the experiences of married life. Yet (in my mind, for me), the issue of same-sex attractions/desire and celibacy is a no-brainer. God’s word is clear about the lifestyle of single (unmarried) Christians. He is crystal clear about the context of the sexual relationship. And the emotional and spiritual consequences of sexual behavior.

However, the issue that consistently nags at me is emotional intimacy. Emotional intimacy with other people in general, but with other men to be precise. Not surprisingly, most men in Western culture avoid serious discussion of this God-given need. The only time one may hear about is in spiritual life groups like Promise Keepers or bromantic comedy films such as I Love You, Man (2009).

Over the course of my life, I have been fortunate to have two guys with whom I have achieved deep and emotionally intimate friendships. I love and cherish them both. Like all meaningful relationships, it hasn’t been easy.

It is my contention that in the case of guys with same-sex sexual attractions, honest emotional intimacy with men is what we truly want. But it is also what we are very afraid of.

Learning how to receive love and give love is scary. Genuine, brotherly love may stir up a lot of learned sexual responses and emotional exclusivity for many of us.

But to develop close, non-romantic and platonic male friendships and relationships, we must push through our fears and loneliness. Intellectual understanding alone doesn’t change us. New experiences do.

Yet, it is wise not to hurriedly overstress the need for intimacy in our relationships with other guys. In other words, we shouldn’t rush in for the most intense relationship we can get by disclosing deep, dark secrets way too soon and fueling the fire of emotional dependency. Such need-centered relationships are almost always doomed to fail.


Reopening Wounds

As most of you know, adoption into God’s spiritual family is central to the gospel message. The relationships and dynamics of the church family are very important.

Acknowledging the raw and very real apprehension many guys who experience SSA have about “church” and/or “family”, I want to use this quote from Lenny Carluzzi (“The Power of Brotherhood”). It doesn’t explain everything or describe everybody. But it does resonates with the frustrations that many of us have felt . . .

“. . . God’s family offers limitless resources, sacrificial love and unconditional acceptance. But the reality is that most of us have been disillusioned, hurt, rejected, and unloved in God’s family. Right? So do we walk away? Often we wait around for someone to love us, notice us, value us, appreciate and include us. Most of us have alienated ourselves from “brothers” in Christ, disqualifying ourselves from relationship based upon our own low self-esteem or perceived rejection from the typical “heterosexual Christian male”. We believe he cannot relate to someone who suffers with masculine insecurity . . . this is sad, because it is love from these very brothers that we need for us to shift from sexual to fraternal in our thinking.”

“We feel burdened to educate and train others how to love someone with our “condition”. But this takes time, and is frustrating when we find ourselves always initiating significant relationships, and don’t know how to adequately explain our needs without sounding sissy or fearing rejection. In addition, we have been taught to avoid others who struggle as we do. We have been protected by anonymity in small groups and programs in order to keep us from “breaking out” into overt homosexuality. We have been treated as children and have never been given the encouragement or confidence that we have what it takes to love other brothers like ourselves. We cannot wait anymore for our “straight” brothers to feel comfortable being involved in our lives . . . The time is now for us to model among ourselves and our “straight” brothers, the quality of love required to heal our masculine identities. But in order to model love, we must first know how to love. And fraternal love is a foreign concept for many of us.”

“. . . We can be fearful or even legitimately skeptical at this prospect based upon our own and others failings. But is that enough to avoid trying? How long do we want to be stuck in this ‘controlling the desire, avoiding the temptation, keeping ourselves busy, shallow male relationship, resorting to fantasy, O God when will this end, no one loves me, wish I were dead’ mode? . . .”


Concluding Observations For Christian Men

  1. Connecting with other men is not optional. Men become men in the company of other men. (2 Timothy 2:22; Hebrews 3:12 – 14; Hebrews 10:23 – 25)
  1. We are obligated to be a source of affirmation and spiritual encouragement for each other. As you may have noticed, this is one of my favorite subjects to write about. (1 Samuel 20:42; 1 Samuel 23:13 – 18; Romans 1:11, 12; 1 Corinthians 16:13 – 18; 1 Thessalonians 3:5 – 13; Colossians 4:12, 13)
  1. Relational and emotional isolation from other men stunts our spiritual growth, weakens our defenses, opens us up to spiritual attack and will ultimately lead to spiritual death. (Ecclesiastes 4:9 – 12; 1 Peter 5:8)
  1. We need openness, honesty and confession with other men. The longer a man remains unsupported and alone in his struggles, the worse they become. Living a secret life of sin has consequences. (Proverbs 17:17; Proverbs 28:13; 2 Timothy 1:15 – 18; 2 Timothy 4:9 – 13; Hebrews 10:23 – 25; James 5:16; Ephesians 5:11 – 14)
  1. We need each other to affirm our faith, stretch our faith, use our gifts and push one another to greater service in advancing God’s kingdom. (Proverbs 16:24; Proverbs 25:11; 2 Timothy 1:1 – 8)
  1. Choosing male friends with character and integrity is important. Our associates are either lifting us up or pulling us down. (Psalm 101; Proverbs 13:20; Proverbs 27:17; Titus 2:6 – 8)
  1. God encourages loving accountability, confrontation and correction among spiritual brothers. We need relationships with men who will tell us what we need to hear, and not only what we want to hear. (Psalm 141:5; Proverbs 27:5, 6; 2 Samuel 12:1 – 14; Galatians 2:11 – 21)
  1. Christian (brotherly & familial) love must be observable (John 13:34). It is consistent (John 15:9 – 13), sincere and committed (Romans 12:9, 10), includes others (Romans 15:7), includes mutual affection (2 Corinthians 6:11 – 13), is not exclusive (2 Corinthians 7:2 – 6) and considers how to love even more (Hebrews 10:24, 25).

Self-protection, self-centeredness and self-pity are all sinful ways of relating to the world. And for guys with same-sex attractions, all three isolate us even more from other people. If you have the type of relationship with a couple or group of men (as I described above), tell them again how much you appreciate them. Pray for them and thank God for them. There are many of us who don’t know and will never experience what you have.


What is the primary way you cope during times of isolation and loneliness?

What specific struggles or frustrations have you experienced when you have tried to connect with men on a deeper level?

Your comments on both questions are welcomed below.


Take our survey! Click to open in a new window / tab.New resource!

Use this tool to further reflect upon the quality of your relationships with your guy friends. Click this link to preview or take the survey. You can only take the survey once.

Male Friendship and Emotional Intimacy Survey


Recommended Links:

The Limits of Emotional Intimacy Between Christians

An essay by Kyle Groger. He is a student at George Whitefield College, an evangelical Anglican college in Cape Town, South Africa.

Here Is Your Answer, But You Can’t Have It

In this short article, Nick Roen considers the question, “should I not pursue intimate male relationships because of the dangers of (sexual) attraction?”.

Spiritual Friendship

A blog edited by Wesley Hill and Ron Belgau. Discussions of celibacy, friendship and the value of the single life.

You can find more (general) comments about the importance of same-gender friendships interspersed throughout the websites, videos, books and articles on my resource page. Click here to go to the “Resource” page.


© Darrell Martin and, 2012.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited (the exception is noted in the right-hand column of this page). Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Darrell Martin and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

21 Comments Add yours

  1. leonardsboy says:

    wow. Thats a lot of info to digest. Good article though. I may have to reread. Thanks.

    1. Darrell says:

      Thank you. I thought about dividing this post into two parts but I was eager to compile most of the information and links in one central location. This entry was also one of the most difficult and personal for me to write. I’m glad you’re here LeonardsBoy.

      1. leonardsboy says:

        thanks. I can understand how it would be. I appreciate your honesty.

  2. Dave says:

    You and this blog are a gift. Thank you for writing. And, thank you for following my blog.

    1. Darrell says:

      Trying not to be embarrassed, I thank you Dave for your kindness. It is my hope to use the opportunities of my three blogs to present useful information while I have the ability to do so. To share content that helps others and honors the Lord. May His grace be with you.

  3. Roger says:

    Thank you so much for this blog and your writing, Darrell. They’re pretty amazing.

    1. Darrell says:

      Welcome to the blog Roger! I appreciate your taking the time to consider my thoughts and offering complimentary feedback. Hope you will find the information and resources helpful.

  4. Elisha says:

    Darrel. Thank you. I can’t even express how much I relate to this. I literally cried when you talked about how you held your friend in the library and comforted him. I pray someone will be close to me and open with me like that one day. Thanks again.

    1. Darrell says:

      Thank you Elisha for taking the time to respond with your kind words. The experience was totally unexpected. Being an awkward and self-conscious person at the time, I was literally fumbling around and blurting out the first things that came to my mind. The moment was very genuine for both us.

      Mutual respect, affirmation and affection with our guy friends can be extremely difficult – but a treasure when it happens. Remember that you too are worthy of love and of authentic relationships with others. I will be praying that your potential male friendships will develop, deepen and enrich your life. May God bless you.

    2. Jeff says:

      I hope that happens for you too! And also for me! Such an experience would be so powerful and healing.

  5. Jeff says:

    Your article really resonates with me. I struggle with SSA but am far enough along to know that, at the root of it, is a legitimate need for emotional intimacy with other guys. It is not a sexual desire at the core. I ask God every day to orchestrate my life to encounter such closeness. I also ask Him to prepare me to receive it…that is key. To fight the tendency for emotional dependence, I ask God to help me to love selflessly and to be able to give without an overly intense need to receive. I do need to receive but I pray for balance.

    I could go on and on.


    1. Darrell says:

      Hey Jeff, I appreciate you for taking the time to share. I can get a sense of where you are coming from. Like anything else, the need for emotional vulnerability and closeness gets all twisted out of shape. At times I wonder if I’m really nurturing a relationship or feeding a dependency. But you keep on being authentic with God and with others. It’s risky but the beauty and the pain enriches our lives, their lives and can glorify the Lord. I will be praying for you – asking God to continue to provide you with love, guidance and reassurance in this area.

      1. Jeff says:

        Thanks Darrell! You hit it straight on….am I nurturing a relationship or feeding a dependency!!! Man, I’m so tired of my brokenness. Yes, I wish God would zap me into wholeness at this point!!!

        Thanks for understanding.


      2. Jeff says:

        Thanks again. I really appreciate your use of the word “reassurance.” yes, we need to operate in faith, but I would really appreciate God’s reassurance that I’m going down His path. He is THE source of love and i ask him to fill me.

        Again, I could go on and on!


        1. Darrell says:

          A Prayer for Jeff (09.22.2014)

          Loving God, there are times in each life when it seems there is no one who understands our specific pain and brokenness. But we know You do understand our hurts and the conflicting desires/anxieties that dominate our lives. We may not know the how, the why or even if there will be a resolution to our unique struggles on this side of life. We ask You to help us step-by-step to trust in Your grace. Help us to grow and to learn that Your acceptance of us in the future means we can find solace with our imperfect lives now (1 Corinthians 4:5; 2 Corinthians 10:18; 1 Peter 1:7).

          Father, I bring before you Jeff. You alone know the true meaning of his journey, his anguish, his fears, his needs and his dreams. He needs You and Your reassurance that he is going down Your path. Help him to reach out to You for the comfort and peace that only You can give. Enrich his life with a friend or a gentle stranger who will spend a moment noticing and loving him. In those times, Your love shines through.

          Bless Jeff with the strength of love to meet each day with new courage; friendships to bring moments of joy in his days of anguish; and hope for the future. Dear Lord, I pray not only for Jeff but for myself and others who share similar circumstances and doubts. Teach us. Shine Your Heavenly Light down upon all of us. Guide us to find peace, happiness and contentment in our lives and within You. Thank you Father for loving us. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

          Jeff, please forgive me if I am being presumptuous. I am getting the feeling that you have a need to further express your emotions and/or experiences. I’m not a licensed or professional anything: just a guy with a blog who experiences SSA and sharing my thoughts on this subject.

          But I do try to keep an open and compassionate ear to notice and listen to others. If you have a need to vent about what you are experiencing, I have just created a new page entitled “Share Your Story” for you and others like us. The link is at the top of this page.

          I have enabled comment moderation. Comments must be approved before they are made public. If you don’t want your comments to be posted on this website, just let me know. I will honor and respect your privacy.

          However, to be honest with you, it is very unlikely I will be able to respond back to you through an ongoing exchange. In addition to the number of responses I get every day, the time I can allot to this blog on a daily basis is very limited. But I am able to listen and I do want to be supportive of you by offering this tool to enable you share with others and me. Thank you Jeff for entrusting me with such a privilege.


  6. Jeff says:

    Thanks so much. You were not presumptuous — you expressed a powerful word of knowledge. Your prayer was beautiful and poignant.

    Thanks again.

  7. therawandreal says:

    Is “The Power of Brotherhood” a book or something? If so I’d love to read what Lenny Carluzzi has to say.

    1. Darrell says:

      “The Power of Brotherhood” is one of those ex-gay/post-gay articles from the late 1990s. The Internet was new and I was in my mid-20s. Back then ex-gay literature and scientific articles about the search for the gay gene was all we had available to read/study. Carluzzi’s article was one of many on his website called LionPrayer. The website is long gone but I still have hard copies of several of the articles. I don’t believe he has anything actually published. He is a friend of Chad Thompson. The link to my interview with Chad follows below. In the post there is a link to Chad’s website. If you can make contact with him, he may know if Carluzzi has any of his writings still available or he may be able to connect you with Carluzzi.

  8. Kyle Groger says:

    Hi Darrell, thanks for this post. I came across it through your link to my article. One of my frustrations is the lack of contemporary, solid Christian literature on friendship. It is a massive encouragement to me that God is using those wrestling with SSA (Vaughn Roberts, Wesley Hill, etc.) to produce high-quality, Christ-centred material that is being used in the redemption of his church. Thank you for not just surviving.

    1. Darrell says:

      Thank you Kyle for your kind encouragement and example. Believing that all hope is gone is a personal choice. Loneliness, lack of emotional connection with others and the lack of someone supportive to communicate with about their needs are common concerns for many of my male readers. It is my prayer that an increasing number of Christian men will grow to have an attentive and tender heart towards those of us who contend with SSA. The gift of an authentic, Christ-centered, male/male friendship is so precious and life-giving.

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