How To Talk To Young Kids About Same-Sex Relationships (Jason Bilbrey)

As 2014 draws to a close, I am highlighting my three favorite blog posts and bloggers (in no particular order). For a list of my favorite bloggers (and blog posts), click here.

My second choice for the year: Jason Bilbrey

He is the director of Pastoral Care at the Marin Foundation. Here’s his blog:


4 Links to my favorite articles by John.


How To Talk To Young Kids About Same-Sex Relationships

“Moving to Boystown presented my wife and I with a question we hadn’t yet considered as parents: How and when would we step in to explain to our daughter what she was seeing? What was the healthiest way to introduce Norah to the concept of same-sex relationships, and the debate surrounding them, in a way that didn’t demonize anyone–neither her gay neighbors nor her traditionalist grandparents?”

Click the title (link) above to continue reading this article.



Why My Wife Came Out

“Last year at about this time, I wrote about when my wife came out to me as bisexual. It was an exposé of my own baggage (of which there was a lot) as well as a tribute to her patience and generosity (of which there was more). Amid the flood of response, I received many different iterations of the same question: “Why? Why did your wife feel the need to come out at all?” I understand this curiosity. After all, we’re an opposite-sex (some might say “traditional”) couple with attraction for one another and no desire to change how our marriage operates. What’s the point in even bringing this up, or labeling it bisexuality?”

Click the title (link) above to continue reading this article.



Mixed-Orientation Marriages

“When my wife came out to me as bisexual two-and-a-half years ago, I was immediately overcome with a sinking feeling that this information was a game-changer. Just like that, everything I thought I knew about her, about our marriage, about what it meant to be LGBTQ, was suddenly in question. What followed was a few painful months of reorienting myself to this new reality, not sure who I could trust, but desperately needing some wisdom and a sense of stability. I had a lot of learning to do.”

Click the title (link) above to continue reading this article.



Why You Should Attend Your Gay Loved One’s Wedding

” . . . however conservative your theology, however rocky your relationship with the betrothed, you should never decline an invitation to your LGBT loved one’s wedding simply because it’s a gay marriage. And in the spirit of this premise, I’ll offer three supporting arguments . . .”

Click the title (link) above to continue reading this article.


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